Jack Fruit

The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), is a species of tree in the figmulberry, and breadfruit family.  A mature jackfruit tree can produce about 100 to 200 fruits in a year. The jackfruit is a multiple fruit, composed of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers, and it is the fleshy petals that are eaten.

The jackfruit tree is a widely cultivated and popular food item throughout the tropical regions of the world. Cambodia is one of the producer of Jackfruit.

Jack Fruit

Jackfruit Free

3 Entrepreneurial Lessons I Learned on the Streets of Cambodia

3 Entrepreneurial Lessons I Learned on the Streets of Cambodia

I began college with hopes of building a career in which I could be of service to others. At first, I thought that meant becoming a doctor. A career in medicine seemed like my best chance to make a difference. Throughout college, I was lucky to be surrounded by people driven by idealistic causes. One particularly ambitious friend wanted to clear a landmine field in Cambodia. He took an entrepreneurial approach to crowdfunding this endeavor by getting his friends (and often their parents) to host fundraising dinners at a cost, collectively raising $50,000.

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